Frequently asked questions.

Below are frequently asked questions by some of our clients, browse to see if you would find some answers to your querries if not please feel free to contact us

What are the delivery charges for orders on the online shop?

Delivery charges will be include to the total in your cart depending on the location your a ordering from

How secure is it to shop on your online shop, is my data protected?

To keep our clients data safe we are using a safe payment method. where all your data is kept private by the client and not giving out to any one else

What happens exactly after placing my order?

After placing an order your order is been processed and packaged discreetly for safe and guaranteed delivery to you. once packaging is complete it is the register for delivery to you.

Do I receive and invoice for my order?

After placing an order your order is been processed and packaged discreetly for safe and guaranteed delivery to you. once packaging is complete it is the register for delivery to you.

Yes!. After placing and order we will mail you a copy of your invoice

Like all drugs, psychedelics could potentially be abused, which could lead to addiction. Some studies have assessed cannabis and determined it to have a 9% addiction rate. Doja Psychedelic store recommends that you discuss the potential risk of abuse.

Can I drive after consuming Psychedelics?

We strongly advises its patients to refrain from using motor vehicles and to avoid operating any heavy machinery while under the influence of cannabis. Some reported effects of cannabis, such as sedative and psychoactive effects, may impair the user’s motor skills

What are Psychedelics?

Psychedelics or Psychedelic drugs, are substances whose essential activity is to adjust the cognizance and view of individuals who take them. As indicated by Princeton University, Hallucinogenics are a piece of a more extensive class of medications called stimulants, which likewise incorporates dissociates and defoliants. These medications influence the faculties and how individuals see the world.